Report Detail

Other CT Scanner Market in India 2012

  • RnM2778274
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  • 24 June, 2019
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  • Global
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  • 59 Pages
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  • Netscribes
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  • Other

There have been considerable improvements in the healthcare infrastructure of India. With these improvements, the healthcare industry in India is progressing considerably and the medical devices market has become one of the most promising segments in this industry. The global market for medical devices is also growing rapidly and India has joined the bandwagon of being one of the fastest growing countries in this respect. In such an industry, the market for CT scanner is no different. It is likely to experience a huge growth in coming years. In fact, computed tomography is one of the major contributors to the growth of the medical imaging industry in India. Continuous up gradation in CT technologies is a common trend. Due to the introduction of various new applications and the combination of nuclear medicine with CT technologies, the disease coverage capabilities of CT are increasing over time. CT scans can detect various diseases and the continuous improvement in image quality has facilitated greater accuracy in diagnosis. Oncology and cardiology are mainly driving the CT scanner segment.

The report provides a snapshot of the CT scanner market. It begins with an introduction section which offers a comparison of CT scanners with other imaging modalities. Brief descriptions of the various segments in the market as well as the technological developments that have taken place in this market over the years have also been discussed in this section. This is followed by the market overview section which provides an insight into the market and highlights the market size and growth of CT scanners in the country. The share of each segment in the market has also been provided in this section. The market for refurbished CT scanners, the largest segment showing considerable promise, has been discussed separately in this section. Import and export figures for CT scanners, both in terms of volume and value have been provided in the next section. It also includes the regional break-up of the imports and exports.

This is followed by an analysis of the drivers leading to growth in the market. This includes use of CT scan as a primary diagnostic tool, higher accuracy in results due to technological advancements, increasing health expenditure, increasing affordability among patients and rising demand for improved health services. The main challenges to the market include considerable high price of CT scanners, radiation hazards caused from CT scanners and competition from other diagnostic imaging techniques. A section on the major trends in this market has also been included. This includes technological advancement with introduction of higher slices, importance towards reducing radiation dose and price of equipment by OEMs and shift towards combination scanners.

The competition section provides an overview of the competitive landscape in the industry and includes a detailed profile of the major players in the market. The Porter's Five Forces analysis for the market is provided in this section. A summary of the major players operating in the market has also been provided in the form of a bubble chart. It also includes the list of products and services, key people, financial snapshot, key ratios and key recent developments for the major players. A section providing strategic recommendations has been added at the end of the report which gives effective solutions to existing and potential players for improving market share and increasing their profitability.

Page 1: Executive Summary


      Page 2: Comparison of CT Scanners with Other Imaging Modalities

        Page 3: Market Segmentation - Based on Products

          Page 4: Major Technological Developments over the Years

            Market Overview

              Page 5: CT Scanners - Overview, Market Size and Growth (Value-Wise; 2010 - 2015e), and Market Segmentation (2011)

                Page 6: Refurbished CT Scanners - Overview, Market Size (2008 - 2010)


                    Page 7: Export of CT Scanners - Overview, Size (Volume & Value: 2008-11), Region Wise (2010 and 2011)

                      Page 8: Import of CT Scanners - Overview, Size (Volume & Value: 2008-11), Region Wise (2010 and 2011)

                        Drivers & Challenges

                          Page 9: Summary

                            Page 10-14: Drivers

                              Page 15-17: Challenges


                                  Page 18: Summary

                                    Page 19-21: Key Trends in the Market


                                        Page 22: Market Competition - Porter's Five Forces Analysis

                                          Page 23-28: Major Public Players

                                            Page 29: Major Private Companies - Summary

                                              Page 30-57: Major Private Players

                                                Strategic Recommendations

                                                  Page 58: Key recommendations


                                                      Page 59: Appendix

                                                      Get latest Market Research Reports on CT Scanner . Industry analysis & Market Report on CT Scanner is a syndicated market report, published as CT Scanner Market in India 2012. It is complete Research Study and Industry Analysis of CT Scanner market, to understand, Market Demand, Growth, trends analysis and Factor Influencing market.

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