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TrendSights - Health & Wellness: "Better for You" Alcoholic Drinks

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Table of Contents

    1. Introduction

      2. What?

        3. Why?

          4. Who?

            5. How?

              6. Challenges

                7. Appendix

                TrendSights - Health & Wellness: "Better for You" Alcoholic Drinks


                "TrendSights - Health & Wellness: 'Better for You' Alcoholic Drinks" is part of GlobalData's TrendSights series. The concept of "better for you" alcoholic drinks strongly links to GlobalData's Health & Wellness consumer trend. This report outlines the healthier alcoholic beverage innovation movement driven by consumers' concerns around alcohol consumption and pursuit of healthier lifestyles. To meet these consumer demands, producers are incorporating "better for you" ingredients like fruit juice, water, and tea. They are also catering to consumer demand for alcoholic beverages that are lower in sugar and calories and have reduced ABVs, allowing consumers to drink while still adhering to personal dietary aims and requirements.

                This report explores the developing trend for "better for you" alcoholic beverages, examining why these products are rising in popularity, who is an attractive consumer target for such innovation, what forms such products are taking on the market, and what challenges must be considered in pursuing effective strategies for brand building in this market.


                - Alcohol consumption is one of the first focal points for changed behavior when consumers seek to pursue healthier lifestyles.
                - Half of drinkers globally state they are often or always influenced in their product choice by how an alcoholic beverage impacts their health and wellbeing.
                - More than two thirds of alcohol consumers find products that have been fortified with added nutrients to be somewhat or very appealing.

                Reasons to buy

                - Understand and identify the "better for you" alcohol drinks innovation trend that consumers are interested in.
                - Identify the specific aspects of healthiness that will appeal to consumers in the sector.
                - Access valuable strategic take-outs in the form of specific opportunities to enhance future decision-making and inform new product development.

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