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PharmSource - Gene Therapy Market Opportunity for CMOs - 2019 Edition

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Table of Contents

    Executive Summary


        Commercial Gene Therapy Experience

          Gene Therapy Pipeline

            The Viral Vector Shortage

              Approvals Outlook

                Gene Therapy Supply Chain

                  Demand Models

                    What It Means

                      Notes on Methodology


                        PharmSource - Gene Therapy Market Opportunity for CMOs - 2019 Edition


                        This report will explore whether the bio/pharma industry is adequately prepared for future gene therapy developments and whether CDMOs are making appropriate investments in the capacity and technology to support the coming opportunity. This report is a companion to Cell Therapy Market Opportunity for CMOs - 2018 Edition, GlobalData PharmSource, July 2018.

                        This report will explore whether the bio/pharma industry is adequately prepared for future gene therapy developments and whether CDMOs are making appropriate investments in the capacity and technology to support the coming opportunity.


                        - This 47-page report gives important, expert insight you won’t find in any other source. 28 tables and figures throughout the report illustrate major points and trends. This report is required reading for:
                        - CMO executives who must have deep understanding of the gene therapy marketplace to make strategic planning and investment decisions.
                        - Sourcing and procurement executives who must understand crucial components of the supply base in order to make decisions about supplier selection and management.
                        - Pharmaceutical and Biotech companies involved in the development of gene therapies or gene therapy technologies.
                        - Private equity investors that need a deeper understanding of the market to identify and value potential investment targets.

                        Reasons to buy

                        - What are the characteristics of the gene therapy pipeline?
                        - What volumes of viral vector will be required by 2024 for clinical and commercial gene therapy manufacturing, and how many bioreactors will be needed?
                        - How many gene therapies from the current clinical pipeline are predicted to be approved?
                        - What gene therapies have been approved by the FDA and EMA to date?
                        - What is the geographic reach of gene therapy contract manufacturing organizations and what methods of transfection do they use?
                        - What are the steps in the in vivo and ex vivo gene therapy supply chains?
                        - What is the contract manufacturing organization opportunity for gene therapies?
                        - What are the top therapy areas and indications for gene therapy clinical trials, 2013-2019?
                        - How can the gene therapy manufacturing process be made more efficient?
                        - What investments have contract manufacturing organizations and bio/pharmaceutical companies made in gene therapy manufacturing facilities and technologies?

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