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Pharmacy Retail Market in India 2014

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Slide 1: Executive Summary

    Macroeconomic Indicators

      Slide 2: GDP at Factor Cost: Quarterly (2010-11 - 2013-14), Inflation Rate: Monthly (Jul 2013 - Dec 2013)

        Slide 3: Gross Fiscal Deficit: Monthly (Feb 2013 - Jul 2013), Exchange Rate: Half Yearly (Aug 2013 - Jan 2014)

          Slide 4: Lending Rate: Annual (2008-09 - 2011-12), Trade Balance: Annual (2009-10 - 2012-13), FDI: Annual (2009-10 - 2012-13)


              Slide 5-7: Healthcare Industry Overview

                Slide 8: Comparative study between Pharmacy Chain Retailing and Traditional Medical Retailing

                  Slide 9: Evolving role of Pharmacy Retail

                    Slide 10: Pharmacy Retail Store Formats

                      Market Overview

                        Slide 11: Pharmacy Retail: Market Size & Growth and Market Segmentation

                          Slide 12: Distribution Channel

                            Role of Government

                              Slide 13: Government Role - Summary

                                Slide 14 - 15: Role of Government in Pharmacy Retail

                                  Slide 16: Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940

                                    Drivers & Challenges

                                      Slide 17: Drivers and Challenges - Summary

                                        Slide 18-23: Key Drivers

                                          Slide 24-27: Key Challenges

                                            Industry Association

                                              Slide 28: All India Organization of Chemists and Druggists (AIOCD)


                                                  Slide 29: Trends - Summary

                                                    Slide 30 - 35: Key Trends in Pharmacy Retail

                                                      Technology Adoption

                                                        Slide 36: Technology Adoption - Summary

                                                          Slide 37-38: Technology Adoption in Pharmacy Retail

                                                            Competitive Landscape

                                                              Slide 39: Porter's Five Forces Analysis

                                                                Slide 40- 44: Competitive Benchmarking

                                                                  Slide 45 - 56: Major Public Player- Corporate information, financial snapshot and summary

                                                                    key ratios, key business and geographic segments, business highlights and SWOT analysis

                                                                      Slide 57-101: Major Private Players- Corporate information, ownership and shareholding structure of company, financial snapshot, key ratios, business highlights and SWOT analysis

                                                                        Strategic Insights

                                                                          Slide 102: Key Strategic Recommendations


                                                                              Slide 103: Key Ratios Description

                                                                                Slide 104: Sources of Information

                                                                                Netscribes' latest market research report titled Pharmacy Retail Market in India 2014 elaborates the changing role of pharmacy outlets and the gradual transition of the industry as a whole towards an organized format. At present, pharmacy retail industry in India is largely fragmented and unorganized. Most organized players operate regionally. The market is sustainable and is projected to attain considerable growth based on the already existing varied disease profile as well as the emergence of newer diseases and the fact that the growing domestic population is being affected by such diseases.
                                                                                Although the pharmacy sector in India is highly regulated, yet it tends to suffer from the circulation of sub-standard and counterfeit drugs that hampers the retail segment of the business. Measures are being taken by the pharmacy regulatory bodies to control the threat as it drastically hampers revenue generation. The government is also taking major initiatives to provide medicines at subsidized rates as well as engage in teleconsultation services and distribution of medicines in the rural belt. A variety of value added services are being incorporated by the organized players to gain a larger market share and various initiatives are being taken to build brand loyalty among customers. To sum up, the pharmacy retail segment comprises a stable market that has strong growth potential in the upcoming years.

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