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Online Marketing in India 2013

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Slide 1: Executive Summary

    Macro Economic Indicators

      Slide 2: GDP at Factor Cost: Quarterly (2009-10 - 2012-13), Inflation Rate: Monthly (Oct 2012 - Mar 2013)

        Slide 3: Gross Fiscal Deficit: Monthly (Sep 2011 - Feb 2012), Exchange Rate: Monthly (Nov 2012- Apr 2013)

          Slide 4: Lending Rate: Annual (2008-09 - 2011-12), Trade Balance: Annual (2009-10 - 2012-13), FDI Annual (2009-10 - 2012-13)


              Slide 5-6: Online Marketing - Introduction

                Slide 7-10: Online Marketing Mix

                  Slide 11: Online Marketing - Where It Pitches

                    Slide 12: Online Marketing - Reasons to Pitch It

                      Market Overview

                        Slide 13: Online Marketing - Global Overview, Online Ad Spending (2012 to 2015e)

                          Slide 14-15: Global Snapshots

                            Slide 16: Online Marketing - India Overview, Market Size & Growth (2011 to 2016e), Share of Online Marketing in Overall Advertising Sector (2012-2016e)

                              Slide 17: Online Marketing - India Snapshots

                                Online Marketing Types

                                  Slide 18-31: Types

                                    Online Marketing Tools

                                      Slide 32-44: Types

                                        Drivers & Challenges

                                          Slide 45: Drivers & Challenges - Summary

                                            Slide 46-51: Drivers

                                              Slide 52-54: Challenges

                                                Key Trends

                                                  Slide 55: Summary

                                                    Slide 56-62: Trends

                                                      Competitive Landscape

                                                        Slide 63: Porter's Five Forces Analysis

                                                          Slide 64-67: Competitive Benchmarking

                                                            Slide 68: Major Players - Summary

                                                              Slide 69-113: Major Private Players

                                                                Strategic Insights

                                                                  Slide 114-117: Strategic Insights


                                                                      Slide 118: Appendix

                                                                        Slide 119: Sources of Information

                                                                        The new report, 'Online Marketing in India', deliberates on the present condition of online marketing in the Indian context.
                                                                        With recession looming large and companies still striving towards cost optimization, online marketing comes as a welcome relief for those concerns who look at reducing marketing costs. Moreover with the given number of internet users which is on the increasing curve and related searches made by average users, it becomes only prominent that potential to reach new prospects is immense. The concept is fast getting adopted by diverse companies who have realized that they need to go beyond traditional form of marketing and opt for something that has wider reach as also reduces cost marginally. Factors in the likes of presence of large domestic internet base, outlook towards online media by plebeians have brought about a positive change that supports proliferation of this form of marketing.
                                                                        Online presence is a must for companies in the present-day context as maximum customers can be targeted in that medium only. Additionally, staying in a particular place and yet dealing with clients from across boundaries is possible only through online marketing at a much toned down cost. Search engine optimization and social media are two popular concepts in the Indian context for branding and promotion. Companies offering such services are finding more takers which is reflected at the springing of a considerable number of players in this sector.
                                                                        There are varied tools available to facilitate this process of online marketing a smooth one for businesses. Social media marketing has surfaced to be a component playing an active role in online marketing campaign. Online PRs and emails have evolved as yet other tools that are sent to prospects to convert them into potential leads. Online directories and listings help in registering business information and key people who can again be targeted as potential prospects.
                                                                        A chief trend that has surfaced in this sector is the advent of mobile marketing. As India continues to witness spurt in the usage of mobile phones, predominantly smartphones, companies are now looking at targeting mobile marketing as well. Related apps and social media interactions are processed through mobile phones whish is expected to be major game-changer in years to come. Content marketing with visuals is slated to achieve new heights as is evident in Pinterest which has stood as one of the top social networking channels.
                                                                        Absence of any sort of Government regulation aided with considerably lesser initial costs requiring setting up businesses makes this sector quite easy to enter. Presence of multifarious players in this sector is proven by the above said fact. Since this concept is still relatively new in India, there are ample opportunities and untapped potential which can be capitalized on. Though impediments such as general lack of confidence in online marketing and literacy and language barriers exist, yet the sector is slated to witness significant growth in the ensuing years.

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