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Mergers & Acquisitions in Technology, Media, and Telecom - Review of H1 2020

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Table of Contents

    TMT M&A market: Review of H1 2020

      COVID-19 impact on the TMT M&A market

        Top themes driving the TMT M&A market

          Deal selection


              Appendi: Our thematic research methodology

              Mergers & Acquisitions in Technology, Media, and Telecom - Review of H1 2020


              If you want to understand the themes that drive an industry, simply look at the list of recent mergers and acquisitions (M&A). This report analyzes the disruptive themes that have driven M&A activity across the technology, media, and telecoms (TMT) industry in the first six months of 2020. It also includes an assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on M&A activity.

              In the first half of 2020, 253 M&A deals with a transaction value of $50m or more were announced in the technology, media, and telecom (TMT) sector, down 40% on H1 2019. The combined transaction value for the first six months of 2020 was $216.6bn, a drop of 24% from $285bn in H2 2019, and 51% down on the same period last year.


              - This report provides an overview of merger and acquisition activity in the global TMT market in the first six months of 2020.
              - It assesses the impact of COVID-19 on the M&A market
              - It identifies the M&A deals announced in the TMT market between 1 January and 30 June 2020 and provides comprehensive sector-by-sector analysis of the themes driving this activity.

              Reasons to Buy

              - This report offers a unique perspective on M&A activity in the TMT sector by focusing on the themes driving deals.
              - This allows for a deeper understanding of the themes that are shaping the industry. In addition, it provides fresh insight into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on M&As, including analysis of proposed deals that have been postponed due to the pandemic.

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