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Medical Devices Market in India 2019

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Page 1: Executive Summary


      Page 2: Definition of Medical Devices and Classification

        Market Overview

          Page 3: Medical devices - Overview, Market Size and Growth (2010 - 2015e), Segment Share in the Market

            Page 4-5: Segments in the market - Market Size and Growth (2010 - 2015e)

              Page 6: Import and Export - Overview, Size and Growth (2009 - 2010)

                Drivers & Challenges

                  Page 7: Summary

                    Page 8-12: Drivers

                      Page 13-14: Challenges


                          Page 15: Summary

                            Page 16-19: Key Trends

                              Government Involvement:

                                Page 20-21: Government bodies - Major government bodies

                                  Page 22-25: Government regulations - Regulations for assessment of a medical device manufactured, procedure for registration for import and disclosures

                                    Page 26-27: Government initiatives - Major government initiatives


                                        Page 28-39: Major domestic players

                                          Page 40-48: Major foreign players

                                            Strategic Recommendations

                                              Page 49-50: Key recommendations

                                              The medical device market is a thriving segment of the healthcare industry in India. Rise in the number of hospitals and increasing requirement of healthcare facilities is creating a need for sophisticated devices and equipments which can provide accurate treatment to individuals. The global market is growing rapidly and India has also joined the bandwagon of being one of the fastest growing countries in this respect. The government is expected to develop a regulatory structure leading to quality products by manufacturers. However, the regulatory structure currently lacks active participation from the government but with the increase in competition in the sector, it is due to follow in a very short period of time. Currently, imports account for a large share of primarily the high-end medical device segment and players are gearing up establishing large manufacturing facilities in India to tap the opportunities.

                                              The report begins with an introduction of medical devices in India and their classification based on relative parameters set by the Indian Government. The market overview section provides the market size and growth. It also provides an overview of the various segments that exist in the market along with their market share, size and growth. The import and the export structure of the medical devices are also given.

                                              This is followed by an analysis of the drivers fueling growth in the market which includes improving health infrastructure, increasing healthcare spending, changing demographics and growing target consumer group, increasing lifestyle diseases and therapies, and increasing medical tourism in India. The key challenges identified include high dependency on exports and lack of standard regulatory structure. The key trends in the market have also been identified including outsourcing/relocating of manufacturing facilities, increasing joint ventures and tie-ups, various exhibitions and trade fairs, and increasing demand for refurbished devices.

                                              The involvement of government in this industry is also included. It shows the role of various government bodies that are involved in regulating this sector and also involved in the promotion of this sector in India. It also highlights the regulations set in terms of assessment of a medical device manufacturing organization in India along with the procedure involved in registration of an organization and procurement of an import license. The initiatives taken by the government in order to promote the sector by providing tax reliefs and import duty relaxations have also been highlighted.

                                              The competitive landscape provides a look into the nature of the market, and the active players in the market. Profiles of the major domestic and foreign players have been included.

                                              A section providing strategic recommendations has been given at the end of the report which gives effective solutions to existing and potential for improving market share and increasing profitability.

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