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Impact on Consumer Behavior in Asia-Pacific: COVID-19 Survey Snapshot - Week 5

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    COVID-19 Impact on Consumer Behavior —Asia-Pacific Week 5

      Concerns remain strong across all three markets

        Time and money constraints will be a key consideration in future travel

          Impact on international travel will soon increase

            Social media usage continues to grow

              Online reviews and blogs increasingly important in China and India, less so in Australia

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                Impact on Consumer Behavior in Asia-Pacific: COVID-19 Survey Snapshot - Week 5


                GlobalData is carrying out weekly consumer surveys in 11 countries between 25th March and 31st May 2020, to track consumer sentiment and shopping behavior during the Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic. The sample size is 500 respondents per country, per week. The three countries in scope for Asia-Pacific are Australia, China and India. Questions are consistent every week, and cover consumer opinions about COVID-19, buying behavior and product choices and impact of the Coronavirus (COVID19) outbreak on consumers' lifestyle and activities. This report summarizes the key findings from responses in week 5.

                Key Highlights

                - India continues to stand out as the country that is most concerned about the global outbreak of COVID-19 out of the three countries selected. 79% of Indian respondents in India declared they were ‘extremely concerned’, this however did decrease slightly from week 4. In China, there was a slight increase in the same response at 41% (from 39% in week 4).
                - 74% of Chinese respondents stated they are spending more time browsing social media. Surprisingly, this has actually increased since week 4 by 5%. Those spending significantly more time on this has increased by 4%, whilst those typically spending all day every on this increased by 1%.
                - Australians will be receptive to domestic tourism campaigns. Each state across Australia is subject to different lockdown restrictions, but as these restrictions begin to lift there will likely be pent up demand for domestic travel.
                - Targeting these people now as they spend increased time on social media and pushing domestic trips could prove very beneficial.


                - This report provides an insight into how the coronavirus pandemic is shaping consumer sentiment in Australia, India, and China.
                - It summarizes key findings from the survey ‘s responses and offers insight into how destinations and industry players can adapt to meet changing demands and needs.

                Reasons to Buy

                - Gain access to primary survey data results.
                - Understand how the coronavirus pandemic is changing consumer attitudes.
                - Assess how you can adapt your business plans and strategies to better meet these changing needs.

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