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HbA1c Testing Market in India 2019

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Slide 1: Executive Summary

    Macro Economic Indicators

      Slide 2: GDP at Factor Cost: Quarterly (2009-10 - 2012-13), Inflation Rate: Monthly (Oct 2012 - Mar 2013)

        Slide 3: Gross Fiscal Deficit: Monthly (Sep 2011 - Feb 2012), Exchange Rate: Monthly (Nov 2012- Apr 2013)

          Slide 4: Lending Rate: Annual (2008-09 - 2011-12), Trade Balance: Annual (2009-10 - 2012-13), FDI Annual (2009-10 - 2012-13)


              Slide 5: Healthcare Industry Overview, Healthcare Market Size & Growth (Value-Wise 2012-2017e), Healthcare Market -Segmentation (2011-12)

                Slide 6: FDI Inflow in Indian Healthcare Segments

                  Slide 7: Healthcare Expenditure of Population by Economic Standard

                    Slide 8: Diabetes Prevalence in Around the World

                      Slide 9: Diabetes - Global Overview, Global Prevalence of Diabetes (2011-2020e)

                        Slide 10: Region-Wise Diabetes Prevalence (2012), Region-Wise Undiagnosed Cases of Diabetes (2012)

                          Slide 11: HbA1c Test - Overview

                            Market Overview

                              Slide 12: Diagnostic Service - Market Overview, Market Size & Growth (2012 to 2017e), Diagnostic Service Market-Split (2012), Diagnostic Service Market - Segmentation (2012)

                                Slide 13: Point-of-Care Testing - Market Overview, Market Size & Growth (2011 to 2017e)

                                  Slide 14: SMBG - Market Overview, Market Size & Growth (2011 to 2017e)

                                    Slide 15: SMBG - Market Overview, Market Size & Growth (2011 to 2017e), HbA1c Tests Conducted Annually (2011-2017e)

                                      Drivers & Challenges

                                        Slide 16: Drivers & Challenges - Summary

                                          Slide 17-21: Drivers

                                            Slide 22-25: Challenges

                                              Diabetes Disease Trends

                                                Slide 26: Trends - Summary

                                                  Slide 27-33: Diabetes Related Diseases - Overview, Symptoms and Prevalence

                                                    Technology Trends

                                                      Slide 34-36: Government Legislation

                                                        Slide 37: Comparative Study of the Prevalent HbA1c Testing Technologies

                                                          Slide 38: Major Players - High-performance Liquid Chromatography

                                                            Slide 39-40: HPLC Adoption by Different Hospitals and Diagnostic Centers

                                                              Slide 41: NGSP Certification, List of NGSP Certified Companies

                                                                Competitive Landscape

                                                                  Slide 42: Porter's Five Forces Analysis

                                                                    Slide 43: Diagnostic Service Providers - Summary

                                                                      Slide 44-47: Competitive Benchmarking

                                                                        Slide 48-83: Major Diagnostic Service Players

                                                                          Slide 84: HbA1c Analyzer and Reagent Manufacturers - Summary

                                                                            Slide 85-127: Major HbA1c Analyzer and Reagent Players

                                                                              Strategic Recommendations

                                                                                Slide 128: Strategic Insights


                                                                                    Slide 129: Appendix

                                                                                      Slide 130: Sources of Information

                                                                                      India is characterized by the presence of a large diabetic population. The country's status as the diabetes capital of the world has made the need for diabetes prevention and screening very important. Naturally, tests for measuring the blood glucose levels are highly demanded within the country. HbA1c testing in the country is also benefiting from this trend. The ability to measure one's blood glucose levels over a period of 3 months has made it a test favored by many diabetics as well as people who believe they are at high risk of developing diabetes. The market for HbA1c testing has been growing steadily and with the awareness level regarding it increasing rapidly, the market is set to boom in a few years.
                                                                                      Although the test is considered to be very useful for diabetes screening as well as monitoring the diabetes status of a patient, its much higher cost compared to a simple blood sugar level test can act as a hindrance to its greater acceptance. However, the need to go for HbA1c tests only 3-4 times a year unlike the blood sugar level test which may have to be done on a monthly basis may work in favour of the former. Moreover, HbA1c tests give a clearer picture of the diabetes status of a patient as it a measurement of the glucose levels over a period of 3 months. Several physicians also prescribe this test to their patients which in turn will increase its demand and thereby drive growth in the market.
                                                                                      Several large diagnostic chains offer these tests in India. Majority of the patients going for this test are confirmed diabetics while very few non-diabetics go for this test. Most of the patients visiting laboratories for HbA1c tests have been prescribed to go for the test by a physician with very few people opting for the test on their own. But with increasing awareness among people, this ratio is likely to change and many more people are expected to go for the test independently.

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