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Failure Case Study: Jamie's Italian - A mid-market restaurant chain struggling to cope with economic changes and failing to appeal to key customers

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            Failure Case Study: Jamie's Italian - A mid-market restaurant chain struggling to cope with economic changes and failing to appeal to key customers


            "Failure Case Study: Jamie's Italian", is part of GlobalData's Successes and Failures research. It examines the details of and reasons behind the failure of Jamie's Italian restaurant chain in the UK. It delivers the critical "what?", "why?", and "so what?" analysis to teach you crucial lessons that increase your chances of running a successful restaurant business.

            Jamie's Italian is a casual restaurant chain in the UK founded by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver in 2008. It quickly expanded its outlets nationally and internationally. However, the chain has started to struggle in the last few years, facing difficulties due to changes to the business environment, and has found itself losing appeal among key restaurant-goers, such as Millennials and Generation Z consumers.


            - The UK restaurant industry has faced legal changes and Brexit uncertainty, increasing the cost of running restaurants, and Jamie's Italian's business strategy failed to address these issues.
            - Young restaurant-goers in the UK demand exciting experiences. Yet Jamie's Italian could not offer something special to stand out in the country's competitive Italian cuisine market.
            - These key consumers are also a link to generations of consumers who are highly savvy in technology. Offering "smart" services among restaurant businesses will be a key developing opportunity.

            Reasons to buy

            - Reduce the risk of failure by learning from brands/products that have under-performed: failed innovation can severely impact profit and reputation.
            - Understand the relevant consumer trends and attitudes that drive and support innovation success so you can tap into what is really impacting the industry.
            - Gain a broader appreciation of the fast-moving consumer goods industry by gaining insights from both within and outside of your sector.
            - Access valuable strategic take-outs to help direct future decision-making and inform new product development.

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