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Enterprise Tech Ecosystem Series: Iberdrola SA

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Table of Contents


      Digital Transformation Strategy

        Accelerator, R&D, and Renewable Energy Programs

          Technology Focus

            Technology Initiatives


                Partnership and Investment Network Map

                  ICT Budget & Contracts

                    Key Executives


                      Enterprise Tech Ecosystem Series: Iberdrola SA


                      Neoenergia, Iberdrola’s Brazilian subsidiary, operates the Elektro mobile app that allows customers to monitor their energy consumption, manage payments, and access invoices. Iberdrola Ireland also operates a mobile app to allow users to view their bills and payments history, submit meter readings, and provides 24/7 customer support.

                      Iberdrola has a large installed-base of smart meters at customers’ business as well residential premises in Spain, UK, and US. The smart meters allow customers to monitor their energy consumption in monetary terms, and prepaid or post-paid bill payments.

                      Iberdrola’s Smart Mobility solutions enable customers to purchase charging devices for personal usage and avoid queues at public places. Users also get access to different mobility plans to save money during peak energy hours by charging during promotional hours and manage the charging devices through mobile apps.

                      Iberdrola’s Smart Home products allow users to efficiently control and manage energy consumption through smart lighting, smart thermostat, and smart air-conditioning devices.

                      The report provides information and insights into Iberdrola's technology activities, including -
                      - Insights of its digital transformation strategies and accelerator & digital innovation programs
                      - Overview of technology initiatives covering strategic partnerships and product launches
                      - Details of investments in companies providing innovative solutions
                      - Insights on each technology initiative including technology theme, objective, and benefits
                      - Details of estimated ICT budgets and major ICT contracts


                      - The key technology themes under focus for Iberdrola are augmented reality, AI & machine learning, big data, blockchain, cybersecurity, data analytics, digitalization, electric vehicles, IoT, microgrids, robotics, smart grid, and drones.
                      - Iberdrola has mainly followed an in-house approach to build technological expertise. It also collaborated and invested in other companies in order to provide innovative products to end-customers, optimize its energy management procedures, and enhance network security.
                      - Through its R&D&I program, Iberdrola focuses on optimization of its operating conditions, minimizing the environmental impact, and improving safety. R&D&I initiative established two main objectives: creating value through international technology projects and building a common innovation framework for its global business units through R&D&i Management Benchmark.

                      Reasons to Buy

                      - Gain insights into Iberdrola's technology operations.
                      - Gain insights into its tech strategies and innovation initiatives.
                      - Gain insights into its technology themes under focus.
                      - Gain insights into various partnerships and investments of Iberdrola.

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