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Ecommerce Scorecard - Thematic Research

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Table of Contents


      Theme map 3

        Sector performance 4

          Company performance 4

            THEMES 5

              Technology themes 5

                Macro-economic themes 10

                  Regulatory themes 12


                      Who’s who 13

                        Thematic screen 14

                          Valuation screen 15

                            Risk screen 16

                              APPENDIX: OUR “THEMATIC” RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 17

                              Ecommerce Scorecard - Thematic Research


                              The tech giants are writing the rules of the game in ecommerce, tapping into their huge user bases, mobile payment platforms, and superiority in artificial intelligence (AI) to dominate the digital economy. New players are trying to carve out their own niches, but much of the growth will continue to flow from the titans. Amazon, Google, Facebook, Alibaba, and Tencent are also racing to invest in emerging markets where opportunities are fuelled by rising incomes, rapidly increasing smartphone usage and improving Internet infrastructures. One grey cloud on the horizon for these super-monopolies is increased scrutiny from governments and regulators looking to clamp down on tax avoidance and alleged abuses of the gig economy. Greater regulation poses a threat to profitability and plans for expansion but the big players should be strong enough, and diverse enough, to avoid suffering major damage.

                              Companies who invest in the right themes become success stories; those who miss the big themes end up as failures. Corporate executives and investors who want to outperform their competitors need to understand all the themes that impact their sector. However, many of these themes are, by definition, outside of the core competencies of company boardrooms because they typically originate from external industries. This Ecommerce Scorecard provides a top-down, comprehensive outlook for the key players in the ecommerce industry over the next two years, based on the key themes set to transform their industry landscape.


                              - This report is a sector scorecard, which identifies those companies most likely to succeed in a world filled with disruptive threats. Inside, we predict how each theme will evolve and who the leading and lagging companies are.
                              - It includes a theme map that shows the 60 biggest themes driving growth in the tech, media and telecom sectors.
                              - It explains how some of the largest listed players in the sector have performed over the last four years.
                              - It looks at major technology, macro-economic, and regulatory themes impacting ecommerce companies.

                              Reasons to buy

                              - Companies who invest in the right themes become success stories; those who miss the big themes end up as failures.
                              - Corporate executives and investors who want to outperform their competitors need to understand all the themes that impact their sector.
                              - However, many of these themes are, by definition, outside of the core competencies of company boardrooms because they typically originate from external industries.
                              - This Ecommerce Scorecard provides a top-down, comprehensive outlook for the key players in the ecommerce industry over the next two years, based on the key themes set to transform their industry landscape.

                              Buy now