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Defense Aerospace: COVID-19 - Sector Impact Analysis

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Table of Contents

    Sector Overview

      Key Defense Aerospace Program Updates

        Select Defense Primes Crisis Activity Updates

          Defense Work as Prime Exposure Limitation

            US Defense Industrial Base Closures

              Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III Figures

                Supply Chain Vulnerability and Commercial exposure problems

                  Department of Defense COVID-19 Response: Industry Protection Timeline

                    Major Programme Supply Chain Events

                      Supply Chain Vulnerability and Commercial exposure problems

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                        Defense Aerospace: COVID-19 - Sector Impact Analysis


                        The long-term impact on Defense Aerospace comes from the reduction in program funding as a consequence of the recession resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The extent of the recession is not yet known, but is expected to be deeper and longer than the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-2009. This will hit Defense budgets, significantly reducing program budget in many cases.

                        Though the Defense Aerospace sector is significantly more insulated than the Commercial Aerospace industry, the majority of Primes are in both sectors, with the commercial portion typically much larger than the Defense portion in revenue terms. Major primes in the sector do not have consistent exposure to COVID-19 fallout. The diverging positions of Boeing and Airbus point to further nuance in market impact. Lockheed Martin, for example, has limited commercial aerospace exposure, whereas Textron is reliant on Commercial work for 76% of revenue using 2019 figures.

                        Key Highlights

                        - Primary Factors determining the Future of the Defense Aerospace sector
                        - Supply Chain Vulnerability and Commercial exposure problems
                        - Key Defense Aerospace Program Updates


                        In particular, the report provides an in-depth analysis of the following -
                        - The report is to understand the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the Defense Aerospace sector.
                        - This report provides insight into the current state of play, offers a look at potential future scenarios and assesses the actions that Defense Aerospace sector can take to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.
                        - The report includes an insightful industry analysis of the COVID-19 Sector Impact on Defense Aerospace and key use cases highlighting how various companies around the world have started working on the development.

                        Reasons to Buy

                        - Gain an overview of the current global COVID-19 situation
                        - Gain in-depth understanding about the impact of COVID-19 in Defense Aerospace Market
                        - Understand the impact that COVID-19 is having on the industry
                        - Explore future industry scenarios
                        - Compare key industry players' actions

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